Cambridge ESOL Exam Preparation Centre British School

Inici > Blog > Have you ever wondered why we work in pairs so much in English class?

Escrit per British School el 28 d'Octubre de 2014 en la categoria Uso del inglés

Have you ever wondered why we work in pairs so much in English class? --

Let’s imagine you’re currently living in a non-English speaking country. Let’s also imagine you're lucky enough to be attending  2, 90-minute lessons in a class of 10 students - that's 180 minutes.

Take off ten minutes for late arrivals, greetings and administration at the start and end of the lesson - that's 140 minutes left per week.

The teacher might talk for about 30% of the lesson including giving instructions, feedback etc. - that's 100 minutes left. You might spend 20% of the lesson doing tasks individually in your textbook. That’s 70 minutes left.

If you work in pairs for the rest of the lesson that's about 18 minutes speaking time for you each lesson. If you work in small groups of three that's about 12 minutes speaking time for you! In a whole-class discussion for the entire lesson that means you have about 3 minutes speaking time!

Plus there’ll also be lots of interruptions, questions and sometimes someone else who talks a lot ….. the times above are probably a little generous!

This is why your teacher will advise you to take EVERY opportunity to speak English, both in class AND in your own time and why so many tasks are done in pairs.

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